Daily Mass Times

8:15am Daily (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday)  except Thanksgiving Day-9:00am and January 1st, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God-9:00am (Exceptions during the holidays and priest meetings/time off/ See bulletin for detailed information.)

Weather Cancellation Procedure
In case of extreme weather conditions, whenever Siena Catholic Schools are cancelled, we will cancel weekday Masses and close the parish offices at St. Lucy and St. Sebastian.   If Siena Schools are cancelled,  it will be listed on WISN Channel 12 and WTMJ Channel 4.  Also,  if we need to close the church over the weekend, please see those channels for cancellations.  Thank you.

Saturday Masses

8:15am (Daily Mass)

4:00pm Sunday Vigil 

Sunday Masses

8am, 10:30am,


(*5:00pm Mass will not be held the weekends of: Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Festival, & Labor day)

(Schedule subject to change.)

Blessing of food

12:00pm – (St. Lucy’s)

Triduum Masses (See Locations)

       Holy Thursday – 6:30pm (St. Lucy’s)
       Good Friday – 12:30pm (St Lucy’s and St. Sebastian’s – 3126 95th Street, Sturtevant)
       Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) – 8:00pm (St. Lucy’s)

Easter Masses

St. Lucy’s: 8am and 10:30am (no 5pm Mass)

St. Sebastian’s: 9:15am  (3126 95th Street, Sturtevant) 

Divine Mercy Holy Hour

Divine Mercy Holy Hour is held on the Sunday following Easter  at 3:00pm  (St. Lucy’s).

Mass on the Grass

A summer time treat at St. Lucy’s is Mass on the grass.

Pet blessing 

There will be a Pet Blessing at St. Lucy’s on Sunday, October 6th during the 10:30am Mass which will be held outside.  The rain date is October 13th, same place, same time.