Daily Mass Times
8:15am Daily (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday) except Thanksgiving Day-9:00am and January 1st, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God-9:00am (Exceptions during the holidays and priest meetings/time off/ See bulletin for detailed information.)
Saturday Masses
8:15am (Daily Mass)
4:00pm Sunday Vigil
Sunday Masses
8am, 10:30am,
(*5:00pm Mass will not be held the weekends of: Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Festival, & Labor day)
(Schedule subject to change.)
Blessing of food
12:00pm – (St. Lucy’s)
Triduum Masses (See Locations)
Holy Thursday – 6:30pm (St. Lucy’s)
Good Friday – 12:30pm (St Lucy’s and St. Sebastian’s – 3126 95th Street, Sturtevant)
Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) – 8:00pm (St. Lucy’s)
Easter Masses
St. Lucy’s: 8am and 10:30am (no 5pm Mass)
St. Sebastian’s: 9:15am (3126 95th Street, Sturtevant)
Divine Mercy Holy Hour
Divine Mercy Holy Hour is held on the Sunday following Easter at 3:00pm (St. Lucy’s).
Mass on the Grass
A summer time treat at St. Lucy’s is Mass on the grass.
Pet blessing
There will be a Pet Blessing at St. Lucy’s on Sunday, October 6th during the 10:30am Mass which will be held outside. The rain date is October 13th, same place, same time.